Innovative Marketing, Cultural Clash, Business Synergy

Brazil's CIIE Journey

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Project Overview

For the 5th China International Import Expo (CIIE) in 2022, BeyondNext helped Apex-Brasil plan an integrated marketing campaign that combined market research, innovative booth design, and interactive experiences. At the beginning of the project, we analysed the preferences of Chinese consumers and selected highly popular Brazilian products to ensure that the booth display matched the market demand, including high-quality coffee, full-bodied wines, and a variety of health food products. In terms of material preparation, we firstly made an innovative design for the booth, incorporating Brazilian cultural elements to create a visually appealing and culturally rich exhibition space. On-site, we planned a series of interactive activities, such as coffee tasting, wine tasting and health food cooking demonstration, which not only attracted a large number of visitors, but also effectively conveyed the excellent quality and cultural background of Brazilian products.

For this event, we adopted a combination of online and offline promotion. Online, BeyondNext made use of social media, official website and industry media platforms to warm up in advance and release the exhibition highlights, which attracted wide attention. Offline, we allowed visitors to experience the charm of Brazilian products first-hand through visual displays and interactive activities at our booth, deepening their knowledge and love for the brand. In addition, we also actively established co-operative relationships with major media outlets to further enhance the visibility of Brazilian brands in the Chinese market through special reports and live broadcasts. This marketing campaign not only effectively expanded the exposure of Brazilian brands in the Chinese market, but more importantly, it facilitated a number of business negotiations, built a bridge between Brazilian companies and Chinese buyers, and opened a new chapter of cooperation between the two sides.


During the five-day 5th China International Import Expo (CIIE), the integrated marketing campaign presented by BeyondNext and Apex-Brasil achieved remarkable results. According to statistics, the event attracted more than 370,000 on-site participants. On social media platforms, our campaign content gained up to 2.1 million exposures, effectively enhancing the awareness and influence of Brazilian brands among Chinese consumers. According to statistics, a total of 28 business negotiations were completed on-site, involving a total turnover of 14 million RMB.

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