Content E-commerce: An Accelerator for Brands Entering China

Content e-commerce, as the name suggests, is a new business model that combines merchandising with quality content. It attracts potential customers by creating valuable content, which in turn promotes merchandise sales. In China, content e-commerce is usually presented in the form of graphics, live streaming, short videos, etc., with the help of KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) or Netroots, focusing on several Chinese popular digital platforms such as Jittery, Taobao, Kuai Red, Jingdong and so on. The rise of content e-commerce in China stems from the popularity of mobile internet and the booming development of social media in China, where short videos, live streaming, and other new media forms have become an important source of information acquisition and entertainment for Chinese people on a daily basis. This change has prompted a fundamental shift in consumer behavioural patterns, from passively receiving information to actively exploring areas of interest in social media, thus giving rise to new consumer demand.

As a result, the rise of content e-commerce has provided a golden window for brands seeking to enter the Chinese market. Here are four core advantages of content e-commerce for brands entering China

Firstly, brands can leverage the big data analytics and personalised recommendation algorithms of content e-commerce platforms to accurately target potential customers in China, improving marketing efficiency and conversion rates.
Second, brands can not only deepen Chinese consumers’ memory of brands, but also provide a stage for brands to deeply interact with Chinese consumers through live broadcasting, short videos and other rich media forms in content e-commerce.
Furthermore, Chinese consumers are increasingly inclined to discover new products and brands through content e-commerce platforms (Douyin, Red, Kuai). Chinese content e-commerce combines entertainment, education and shopping experiences, allowing consumers to enjoy quality content and naturally make purchases at the same time.
Finally, compared to traditional channels, content e-commerce lowers the barrier for brands to enter the Chinese market. On the one hand, the virtual storefront operation model greatly reduces the high rent and renovation costs required for physical shops, while the big data analytics and personalised recommendation algorithms behind China’s content e-commerce platforms dramatically increase the effectiveness of advertising.

As a pioneer in the new wave of content e-commerce, BeyondNext is committed to providing brands with a comprehensive China market entry and growth strategy, and in 2023, BeyondNext helped a French functional skincare brand tap into the Chinese market with its content e-commerce track.

Initially, BeyondNext conducted detailed market research to ensure that its brand story and product positioning could be accurately aligned with the Chinese market, laying a solid foundation for its sales in China. Based on the in-depth China market research, BeyondNext assisted the French functional skincare product to rebrand its story in China to be more in line with the emotions and values of Chinese consumers.

BeyondNext utilised China’s leading social media platforms, such as Douyin, Red, WeChat, Weibo, and Shutterbugs, to set up and run the brand’s official account. By creating engaging visual and written content, including short videos and graphics, we help them build a strong brand influence matrix in China. At the same time, we make full use of the e-commerce features of Douyin and Red, such as live shopping and product windows, to enable brands to realise cash directly on content platforms and accelerate sales conversion.
In addition to the social media layout, BeyondNext also provides professional Chinese e-commerce platform (Taobao, Jingdong) building and optimisation services. We utilise Chinese social media to guide users to the e-commerce platforms to complete their purchases, seamlessly linking content attraction to sales conversion.

BeyondNext also provides ongoing monitoring and optimisation services, relying on big data analysis of China’s content e-commerce platforms to continuously monitor their market performance and feedback in China, and regularly adjust their content strategy and marketing plans to ensure that the brand stays competitive in the ever-changing Chinese market.

Under BeyondNext’s comprehensive support and the advantages of content e-commerce, in just 3 months, the French functional skincare brand has quickly made its presence felt in the Chinese market, and has successfully established a foothold in China’s e-commerce market and flourished.


BEYONDNEXT,a full-service agency dedicated to solving the challenges of overseas brand communication. We provide professional social media management services for brands going global. Our results-oriented approach leverages media resources worldwide to achieve brand objectives.



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