Viral Content Fuels E-commerce Hit

Pet Product Marketing on Social Media

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GMV Increase

Project Overview

In 2022, a domestic pet products brand chose to partner with BeyondNext to stand out in the Chinese pet products market. Given that the brand’s products are both fun and practical, BeyondNext, with its deep market insights and rich industry experience, developed a strategic direction that focuses on entertainment. Taking advantage of the strong social influence of Chinese social media platforms (Douyin (Chinese TikTOK), Xiaohongshu (Red), WeChat, Zhihu), BeyondNext’s professional team carefully planned a series of soft advertisements, aiming to show the fun and practicality of the product in a light-hearted and humorous way. We invited famous KOLs with a large number of followers to create a ‘super weird pet products roundup’ to generate momentum and traffic for the product with the help of high-traffic media. In addition, we also mobilised a group of niche KOLs, who collectively voiced their opinions in a more personal way, such as ‘Guys, don’t forget PXX (China e-commerce platform) when you buy pet products’, guiding the autiences to pay attention to our products while browsing e-commerce platforms, which cleverly utilised the traffic of e-commerce platforms and increased the exposure of our products. This cleverly utilises the traffic of the e-commerce platform and enhances the exposure of the product.


With BeyondNext’s thorough planning and precise execution, its promotional activities on Chinese social media platforms have shown remarkable marketing effects. Among them, the soft advertisement ‘Super Odd Pet Products Inventory’, led by a famous KOL not only won more than 100,000 likes and comments on Xiaohongshu, its single reading volume was even more astonishingly exceeded 7 million, and the simultaneous update of the content on Douyin also gained more than 800,000 likes and comments and a reading volume of more than 30 million. A phenomenal pop-up benchmark was set. During the project period, the brand’s total online exposure soared to 50 million times, and many of the brand’s distributor shops witnessed a significant climb in order volume, with an increase of more than 226%, which visually reflects the direct economic benefits brought by the marketing campaign.

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